30 Apr 2014

Hassie Adventure - Week 34

This is the week we said our goodbyes and fare well to the people on the mountain. They started off as friends and turned into family in a very short amount of time.

I have been thinking about this and its funny how when we first arrived at the mountain - I made a conciouse dicesion that I'm not going to make an effort to make friends and to my surprise they turned into more than just friends. 

I finished work a day before E did so that I could pack the van and sort things out before we leave. 
The night after E finished work, We had our 'going away' drinks. It's only when you leave that you realize how much of an impression you made as everyone showed up and said their goodbyes. they made such a big impression on our life's!  

We did end up leaving and there was talk about going to Perth for a short while but since E and I could not decide so we agreed no we won't just go!

We ended up scratching a few items off our 'to do' list before we go to the east cost.

  • Km Driven this week: 533
  • Places of Interest:
    • Big Platypus
    • Big Apple
    • Big Spud
    • Bruny Island
  • Paid Accommodation: Girdlestone Park $10
  • $$ Spent: $658
  • Gas
    • Litres: 59.10
    • $: 95.59
    • Places:
      • Elizabeth Town
      • Hobart

28 Apr 2014

Hassie Australian Adventure Spot 26 - Campbell Town

So we have been here before so it's like home. It's just a spot we can reply on for a nights rest and we liked it so much we decided we could stay here again and again. Although we dont get to explore much of the town but still loved the location of our actual spot. Being located between Hobart and Launceston it just convince my to stay there to break up the drive. 

We gave Campbell Town 3 Hassie carrot on our previous stay we sadly think our opinion on it, has gone down 2 Hassie Carrots. Makes me realise just how much you get use to a place And don't see it's beauty for what it is.
We still love our town and will be back

For Previous Post - Click Here


26 Apr 2014

Big Apple - Spayton

This this the Big apple, there isn't much on why its there or information on it but fr what I can tell is that it's advertising for a fruit and vegetable store! 

We did make a point of going in and bying some fruit and veggies to support this small town. We have found that the produce and people her in Tasmania is one of the best and is making us relise just how much of a possibility living in Tasmania would be.  

One more done and dusted. So glad I am trying to do all the big things!! 

24 Apr 2014

House of Anvers

Yummy - Chocolates!!

While driving around in what feels like circles trying to tick off all the big things and stopping at shops we have been told about and worth seeing! One of these shops is the gummies chocolate I have yet had, and I am not a big supporter of chocolate eating as I must have lost my sweet tooth sometime ago! 

House Of Anvers is a chocolate factory and makes all differentl kind of yummies, my personal favourite is coffee cream! The first time I tried this chocolate I was very hesitant as I don't like coffee nor sweet things but it surprised me immensely

I recommend everyone to try this Tasmanian yummy. It's very sweet of course but worth it. 

22 Apr 2014

BIG Spud

Looking for this BIG spud and being able to find is 2 differnt things.  We must have been drivin 'forever' and google maps took us to a place with nothing around it. It was just about in the middle of nowhere, with a big highway next to it and it covered with tall grass. We finally did find it between construction works. 

It looks like there use to be a tyer shop that closed down or being renovated. Neither us could understand the significance it has with a Spud or what a spud has to do with tyers but its there. Not much of this BIG thing but we stoped and took a photo since its on our list.

I don’t know how long its going to be around, may go down with the renovations. 

Only one more to go here in Tasmanian thats on our list.


20 Apr 2014

Big Platypus - Latrobe

We were driving we realised we can tick one more big thing off our list. 

This was our third last one to tick off on our list in Tasmania. The thought that we just about did them all is amazing! 

This big platypus has apparently been lifted by the wind a few months or so ago so you are are to see dents and things in the platypus. Hard to imagine it could be lifted as its so big. 

Exited about the thought about doing more!!

18 Apr 2014

Hassie Australian Adventure Spot 25 - Devenport

Our first day off the mountain. Firstly it was a late start to the day (drinking previous night) we weren't in any rush but knew we wanted to be off the mountain and away by around 12pm. That Didn't particularly work since we thought it would be nice to have our last lunch in the Tavern at 12. We had a few people join us which was lovely but hard to say good bye at the end. 

Gosh these people are people I will never ever forget. They made my days on that mountain and hopefully I did the same for them.

Anyway when we finally did leave the weather was miserable off the mountain. E and I both thought and said that we want to leave the mountain weather behind but instead brought it with us.

That night was windy and uncomfortable to sleep in the van. It felt like we were going to roll away and end up on the other side of Devenport.

The actual spot was just part of a Recreation field. Not ideal if you have like a tent and all. We give this spot a 1 Hassie Carrot. 

All in all a good day and ok spot to sleep in. 

16 Apr 2014



One for the hardest night I have come across, I didn't realise how much of an effect E and I had on all these people until they all showed up to our going away drinks. Its always seem to happen that people say what they really think about you when you leave - Good and bad.

It started out with just a few of us getting together to have dinner and then a few drinks. It soon started to get bigger as the night grew.

By the end of it, as people started to say goodbye and go home. I could feel the tears build up and soon started crying like a little baby. It was so hard to say good bye and the beautiful message they wrote made it even harder to try and hate them and make it easier for me cope.

All the beautiful people on Cradle Mountain is a second family and will always be remembered. I love them all and are so happy and blessed to have called them all friends and amazing people to have helped me be the person who I am today!!


14 Apr 2014

Hassie Australian Adventure Spot 24 - Macca's Residents

While visiting family in Sydney we got to stay with them. We go there almost every year and its almost like our second home.

We were there for 3 days for baby Ivy's Birthday and it was so much fun.

We will be back next year for more adventures.


12 Apr 2014

Hassie Adventure Spot 23 - Launceston Air Port

What an unusual spot this was to sleep. We slept in the Launcheston Long Term Parking the night before we had to fly to Sydney. Might be illegal I am not sure but it was something I thought I would never do.

Driving after work to catch our early morning flight, we knew we would have to find a spot to go to sleep. Close to the cities in Tasmania we have found there is no free camps available.

Leaving the mountain after E finished work we arrived at the airport just after 1am if not a bit later. We looked for a place to pull over but none closes by. So the airport parking was the next best thing.

Was hard to fall asleep with all the bright lights and the thought about being caught but we got to sleep. The challenge was going to the toilet with out anyone seeing us, how I wished Van Gogh had a loo inside, my 'P' bottle isn't the easiest but a life saver.

Of course catching a early flight meant getting up early, how I dislike that at times. We did have enough time to grab a quick bite to eat, no rush involved. Soon we will see you Sydney


10 Apr 2014

Hassie Australian Adventure Spot 22 - Julies River

This has by memory the most beautiful spot to stay at. It was for one night and we did so much exploring and doing different walks around the forrest.

It was very dark as soon as the sunset and I was fearful for a 'monster' of some sort to jump out and kill us. That didn't happen.

We give this spot 4 Hassie Carrots.

Its quite an nice spot to sleep as you can just make it a day trip and visit the forrest.


8 Apr 2014

Hassie Australian Adventure Spot 21 - Smithton

The few places we made a point to see while on the mountain has been exiting and adventurous. This adventure is the start of seeing the Tarkine Rain Forrest - but before we get there we needed to sleep and recover from the BIG day of walking and exploring the North West of Tasmania.

It was a  spot i wish we didn't need to stay at, it was scary and it seemed to be a popular spot for everyone to come and sit and look out at the water. At some point it looked like someone was trying to do a drug exchange and knowing my mind  I was thinking of the most extreme of situations, thinking they might jump out and come to our van and start asking questing of why we are here and if we observing them. Ahhhh I watch to much movies.

Save to say they didn't come over and I am still alive and walking but still a fearful night to start with and one where I was bugging E saying we might need to find a new place to sleep.

We give this spot 2 Hassie Carrots because I am alive

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6 Apr 2014

Hassie Australian Adventure Spot 20 - Riana

E and I have been trying to save so we aren't leaving the mountain as much as we would like to. Although when we do leave we make sure it is jam pack adventure full of excitement.

This town wasn't to far from the mountain but a beautiful town that we stumbled on. When you go off the highway you will feel like your in the deep country side even though it is 10 minuets away from Devenport or Burnie. Surrounded by beautiful green forrest and farm animals you get lost in this peaceful world you didn't think existed in Australia.

Driving from the mountain it took us quite a few hours that initially anticipated, but with our tunes blaring and getting lost made it an experience we will always remember. When you do get lost in Tasmania you will find exiting little nooks and towns you would never imagine seeing, meeting locals and exploring the land.

We did stay at this little park that took us a while to find but when we did, we parked the Van Gogh and started to light a boom fire, not even sure if we were aloud to, but it kept us nice and warm for a little while.
There is a story with this fire, E went and bought wood for this fire he has been planing and waiting to burn since we started this Hassie Adventure. Planning on buying one kindling bag and one bag with logs so we can have a long night of fire burning. As we stopped and started to build this fire E noticed he grabbed 2 bags of kindling instead. Fuming and apologising to me while I am just about LoL'ing next to him for being so silly. Needless to say we did build this fire with just kindling anyway adding just about one bags worth to make it nice and warm. I guess you can say the fire was short lived. 

We need to lit more fires with the write wood.

We enjoyed this spot and therefor giving it 3 Hassie Carrots.

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