25 Jul 2016

Fruit Market

Fruit Market
Kava Roots

Fruit Market
Colours of the Markets

Fruit Market
Sour Sop - that isn't sour at all but very sweet.
It is said to be good for your kidneys and if your have any problems with your urinary tract. 

As much as we wanted to relax we wanted to make sure we got to experience some kind of local food, market or environment that doesn't yell out 'TOURISM'.

While in Nadi and later on a tour we got to enjoy the fruit market m. The fruit on Fiji island is the sweetest and most addictive I've ever came around! From trying one piece of pineapple to eating the whole one with in seconds! 

We got to see what the kava root looks like and how cheap vegetables, fruit and spices are there compared to back home. We even go to try a fresh soursop - we usually have juice back home but it's only comes frozen! It was oh so sweet, delicious and sticky!! 

The colours in the fruit markets was just beautiful, it looked like the saturation has been turned up. 

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